Professional reference of masterpiece The Seven Headed Fairy

Author:  Anna Kürthy, Attila Sturcz

Author: Lázár Ervin
Year of publication: 2016

Hungarian version: Last download: 2023. 03. 11.
Slovak version available:
English version:


Therapeutic goals: a conversation about acceptance and prejudice, sensitization
Age group: 8-12
Secondary target group: adults too
Form of the work: individual and group

Brief content of the masterpiece:

The ugliest youngling of Rácpácegres town goes to Wonderland to take revenge on the monster that bewitched him.

He visits the seven-headed monster to take revenge on him for turning him ugly. At the end of the tale, it turns out that the monster is actually a good seven-headed fairy who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. After cutting off six of her heads, the main man sees his true, beautiful self in the fairy’s eyes.

He does not go back to Rácpácegres, but remains there for the rest of his life in the service of the fairy and watches over her so that she does not get into trouble again.

Description of the possibilities of professional pedagogical/therapeutic work:

With the help of this fairy tale, we can talk to the children about acceptance of each other and ourselves, as well as prejudices towards others and ourselves. The protagonist, who saw himself as ugly and then saw his own beauty in the eyes of others, is a beautiful symbol of the difference between how we see ourselves and how others see us. It also shows how much it means to us if others accept us as we are.
The tale testifies that we must protect each other and ourselves with love.

This story can be used in individual and group work. For example like this:

  1. Tune-up circle with association cards: How are you today? Draw a card that shows your mood!

Today, we will talk about accepting each other, self-acceptance, and prejudices.

  1. After tuning in, read the story to the children!
  2. After listening to the story, let’s talk with the children about different questions!

What did you like best about the story?

Where are you in the story? If you were in it as a character, where would you be and what would you be doing?

How do you think we can love ourselves? How do we express this? What can we do with our less favorable qualities?

How can you love others, what must be done to make the other person feel this too?

Does it matter what you look like? Why? How do we discriminate and ostracize each other based on appearances? What external quality do you have that you do not accept, that makes you anxious when you are in company? (Do clothes – also – make a person?) Why is it important to at least look in the mirror in the morning? How to love others, what must be done so that the other person feels this too?

Does it matter what someone looks like? For what qualities do we love the other?

Who do you Love?

  1. Final round: Say one quality, attribution you like about yourself!


It has not undergone language editing!


The recommendation was created by:
Kürthy Anna, Sturcz Attila, Workplace: Zichy Miklós Primary School in Zsámbék, Date last updated: 2023. 03. 11.
Recommended citation procedure:
Kürthy Anna, Sturcz Attila. 2022. Professional reference of literary masterpiece of Lázár Ervin A Hétfejű Tündér. In Kotrbová, K. et al: Bratislava: PRO SKIZP – Association to support the development of the Slovak Chamber of Clinical Physics, Laboratory Diagnosticians, Language Speech Therapists and Therapeutic Pedagogues, 2023.  ISBN 978-80-974667-0-1 Available on:


This article was created thanks to the support of the the program of the European Union Erasmus+, Key action 2 – Cooperation among organizations and institutions, KA210 – Small-scale partnerships for cooperation in the field of vocational education and training. Project title „Prototype of the on-line study tool for bibliotherapy”, project number 2022-1-SK01-KA210-VET-000082483. It represents the opinion of the author only and European Commission is not responsible for any use of the informations contained therein.

Additional information


Literary masterpiece TITLE: A Hétfejű Tündér
Author: Lázár Ervin
Year of publication: 2016.
Publisher: Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó
Total number of pages: 128
ISBN: 9789634155683
Literary genre: tale
Used literary source

Hungarian version: Last download: 2023. 03. 11.
Slovak version available:
English version: